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Children will be at White Rock Baptist Church and in the local White Rock/Surrey community. Campers will be traveling by walking, taking public transit, hired buses, and by volunteer drivers. Snacks are not prepared in a commercial kitchen. Campers will be given waiver forms and photo release forms that must be signed and returned to the church. Although we cannot prepare for every allergy, will we do our best to accommodate for campers' needs! 

Meet the interns!

Carly has been going to 

White Rock Baptist

Church all of her life and

is very excited to start

working here. She is

going into her second

year of Early Childhood Education and looks

forward to sharing Jesus

with these kids and

putting her knowledge

to good use this summer. 



Grace journeyed from Alberta to be part of the team! She is going into her 4th year of a Politics, History, and Economics degree at The King's University. Grace is passionate about her faith and sharing God's love, and she is excited to teach campers about Jesus and the Gospel this summer!

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